1565 MacArthur Blvd
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Donating 100%   
Profit From Each
Deal to Chrity    

Carlos Rodriquez has been in the escrow industry for over a decade. He started Deluxe Escrow Inc in 2015 and did well in his entrepreneurial endeavor. After the pandemic left him searching for more meaning in his life, he sought opportunities to make a difference especially though his church community.

When the Fed started increasing rates in 2022 and the entire real estate industry felt a dramatic chill in business activity, Carlos decided to offer escrows with ALL Profits being donated to orphanages and other non-profits. Thankfully, this mission really resonated with other real estate professionals and business started to grow.


Make the easy choice by using Charity Escrow and be the catalyst that makes a difference at no cost to you.